Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wildflowers, wild plants -- a bargain

Plants native to an area are well adapted to their habitat. Some people may consider them weeds and not wildflowers, but many are quite beautiful. In any garden they are easy to maintain. In Everglades National Park all species are protected. Elsewhere many can easilty be transplanted. Free!

Mexican bluebell

Butterfly pea

Pineland acacia

Cardinal Air Plant,
Big Cypress Swamp 
The air plant with its red bloom is scarcely noticable but I've included it because the cypress trees and their reflections make such a beautiful background for it. This was off Loop Road in the heart of the swamp.


Purple thistle

Blackeyed Susan


Marsh pink

Pineland heliotrope

Marsh fleabane


Air plant


Scaleleaf aster


Snow or Everglades square stem


Madagascar Periwinkle

Water lily

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