Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Common and beautiful

Something that happens a lot in Florida is you come across common but beautiful birds and animals. The Great blue heron, for example, is found in all 48 lower states in the U.S., but one never fails but to impress with its size (about four feet tall), beauty and stateliness.
This fellow above I came across in an area called The Anhinga Trail near the Royal Palm visitor center in Everglades National Park. All sorts of wildlife can be found there including alligators, turtles, snakes, fish. In the above photo I managed to capture both the Great blue heron and his relative the Little blue heron.
Above is the Great white egret. He's close in size to the Great blue heron. They both hunt seemingly oblivious to nearby alligators.

Once while hiking in the Big Cypress Swamp, part of the Everglades, I startled a young little blue heron. It panicked, tried to fly from the ground and alight in nearby trees. It was inexperienced in both taking flight like that and landing and fell from the tree into the water underneath. There was a big splash and Presto! the bird had vanished into the belly of a waiting alligator. 

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