Monday, January 17, 2011

My latest trip to the Everglades

I've presently spending the sixth winter straight in Florida. Over the course of these trips I've accumulated hundreds of wildlife photogrphs. A friend encouraged me to start a blog, so here it is. I'm hoping people find it interesting enough to read and return to it from time to time. Here is one of my favorites. If you click on it, the photo enlarges, and the bird becomes clearer.

This is an America bittern, a bird that blends in with its surroundings so well I felt myself lucky to even spot it. I was at the entrance visitor center of Everglades National Park, on the east coast, Homestead side of the park. The walkway into the center bridges over a wet area, and Voila! there the bitttern was. I thought at first it was a piece of cardboard.

Here are two more of my favorites:

This is a baby alligator sunning itself at my feet. He/she was only about one foot long.

This is the above baby's mother. She has one of seven babies (that I saw) on her back. The others were close to the shore of Mzarek Pond in Everglades National Park and very close, within a few feet, of me. Mother alligators stay with their brood for 1 to 2 years, protecting them as best they can from predators such as male alligators. She staued about 150 feet from me, usually a safe distance, but she made me nervous anyway.


I felt lucky to catch this picture of a Snowy egret out of the water with its "golden slippers" on display. He landed within ten feet of me at Mazrek Pond. Usually you see snowies wading through water hunting for food and their feet are out of sight. They are a beautiful bird hunted almost to extinction for their feathers around the early 1900s. The feathers decorated "stylish" ladies' hats.

That's all for now. I will post photos frequently.

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